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Ile macie tatuaży?
Hey all,

Got my first tattoo a few days ago. It's an all black tattoo on the inside of my right forearm. After he was finished, the artist spread ink over the full area of the tattoo before applying the bandage. He said it was to make sure the tattoo stays as black as possible.

Fast forward a few days, it's healing totally fine, but I still have an area of darker skin where that added ink was all around the tattoo. Can't just scrub it off because that would bother the actual tattoo.
Anyone have any advice on how to handle that? I'm sure it'll fade off eventually or I could scrub it after healing, but currently it's a major distraction from the tattoo and I'd love to clean it off sooner.

Wiadomości w tym wątku
Ile macie tatuaży? - przez Nnmamma - 27.04.2019, 14:42
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez TimeBackTime - 23.05.2019, 10:58
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez antoni21 - 25.05.2019, 10:51
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez mpire - 22.12.2019, 18:12
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez smular - 25.12.2019, 21:23
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez malutka_alutka - 03.02.2020, 05:38
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez lanka24 - 26.02.2020, 13:45
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez gulka - 02.03.2020, 19:24
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez marekwu - 21.06.2020, 21:20
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez Ślicznotkaa - 30.08.2020, 14:57
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez mikkocki - 10.03.2021, 02:11
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez muffinka - 13.03.2021, 18:28
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez grom - 17.03.2021, 10:29
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez Paweł - 21.09.2021, 11:55
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez dariaa - 19.10.2021, 13:30
RE: Ile macie tatuaży? - przez pieknyolek - 03.01.2024, 16:51

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